For many people, going to the dentist can be scary, nerve-racking, and painful. Whether you cringe at the sound of drills, are terrified of needles, or dread the uncomfortable pressure and pain of dental work, there is a better option. Waterlase Laser Dentistry is considered one of the most advanced dental technologies currently available, and it is growing more and more popular. Using state-of-the-art focused laser technology and gentle water pressure, dentists can now offer a wide range of dental procedures with less pain and more comfort.

Waterlase Laser Dentistry

What Exactly is Waterlase Laser Dentistry?

Waterlase Laser Dentistry combines three elements – water, air, and a laser. It’s that simple. The advanced patented technology uses focused light energy from the laser to precisely target a tooth area, usually a cavity. The dentist can prepare the tooth without the need for a loud, vibrating high-speed drill using the laser. With the added water and air, the tooth is kept hydrated and cool, reducing heat and allowing the process to be virtually pain-free.

What are the Benefits of Waterlase Laser Dentistry?

With the advanced technology of Waterlase Laser Dentistry, your dental appointment can be –

  • Less Painful with Fewer or No Needles

Since the Waterlase system helps cut out the need for drills, it also reduces the need for as much anesthetic. In some cases, with the system, no anesthetic is needed meaning NO needles! And it’s not just the pain of needles. With the water and laser-based system, you’ll also avoid the pain of a large, loud, vibrating drill in your mouth.

  • Quicker

With less need for anesthetic, a Waterlase Laser Dentistry appointment will also be quicker. Since there is a limit on how much anesthetic can be given at one time, traditional dental appointments often have to be split up into two or more visits. With Waterlase Laser Dentistry, you avoid this issue.

  • More Precise

The best part of lasers in dental work is targeting and focusing work on specific tissue or dental enamel. This precision helps dentists preserve as much of the healthy tooth structure as possible. In the long run, this can make a huge difference.

Waterlase Laser Dentistry With Dr. Alex Onatsky

At Dr. Onatsky we focus on providing patients the best dental care by incorporating the newest technology and advanced techniques. This includes not only Waterlase technology but also 3D CT Scanning, Digital Radiology, and more.

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