One thing you should know about your teeth is that they are completely unique like fingerprints. Every person has a unique set of teeth, and every tooth is unlike that of any other person. However, it may be interesting to know some fun facts about other creatures with whom we share the planet and who also have very unique teeth. By studying the teeth of animals, humans have learned a lot about our own teeth as well as treatments to make them healthier. Here are 5 facts about animal teeth that you might find interesting.

  1. Snails Have The Most Teeth

A snail’s teeth are quite strange. They are arranged in rows on its tongue. A garden snail has about 14,000 teeth while other species can have over 20,000. However, the shocking part is that a tiny snail’s teeth consist of the strongest known biological material on Earth, even stronger than titanium!

  1. A Tooth For A Horn?

A narwhal’s horn is actually a tooth. It is used to “taste” the concentrations of chemicals in the water around it to find food. It can grow as long as 8 feet.

  1. Animals Floss

I always stress the importance of flossing. Well, in their own way, animals floss too. They may not have access to waxed dental floss or floss picks, but they instinctively know the importance of removing those food particles. Animals chew on bones, bark, grass, or sticks to naturally scrape away food particles caught between their teeth.

  1. Herbivores Clean Their Teeth With Fiber

Animals, such as cows and buffalos, depend on raw food that is rich with fiber. In order to easily digest that type of food, they need to chew it for a very long time so that it can be easily digested. In the process of chewing these fiber-rich foods, they unwittingly clean their teeth too. When you chew your food thoroughly, it stimulates your mouth’s production of saliva, which also cleans your teeth and prevents tooth decay and gum disease.

  1. Animals Rarely Get Cavities

That’s because wild animals only eat raw food and drink nothing other than water. They don’t consume flavored drinks or foods filled with refined sugars. For this reason, their teeth don’t run the risk of rotting from sugar. Sugar leads to plaque on teeth, which can dissolve enamel and lead to cavities.

  1. Alligators And Sharks Replace Their Teeth Often

Certain species of sharks named Carcharhiniformes shed approximately 35,000 teeth over the course of their lifetime. Creatures with very powerful bites, like sharks and alligators, tend to replace their teeth often naturally. And the teeth of rodents (e.g., rats and mice) grow continuously to compensate for the wear that their teeth sustain due to all their nibbling and pecking. Unfortunately, humans don’t have that luxury, so take care of your teeth.

  1. Dolphins Get New Enamel Each Year

Every year dolphins’ teeth get a new layer of enamel. You can actually tell how old a dolphin is by counting the rings on their teeth from the new enamel that was added. Unfortunately, human enamel doesn’t grow back, so preserve the enamel you have. Brush and floss every day, and watch your diet.

I hope you found these facts interesting. Let me know what you think in the comments, or during your next visit. I look forward to seeing you. I am Dr. Onatsky. Call today to schedule an appointment: 718-621-0827. Onatsky Dental Clinic is located at 2960 Ocean Ave 1st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11235.